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Beautiful Hardwood Floors, On-Time, and On-Budget

At Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring, we combined years of experience, expertise, and old-fashioned person-to-person customer service to satisfy our clients. Our team takes pride in working quickly and effectively to turn fading and wilting hardwood floors into beautifully-stained walking surfaces. We can refinish the floors in one room or complete a massive, house-wide project on time and to your satisfaction. No matter the size of the project, we work diligently to deliver exceptional services to our clients.

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Why You Should Work with Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring

Many companies work with many flooring types adequately, but that’s not good enough for us. We work with one exceptionally. Our company specializes in salvaging hardwood floors that other companies would rip-up and replace with cheap laminate or plank flooring. We adore the rustic and timeless look of hardwood flooring, so we geared our services towards protecting them. We get results because we’ve committed to a series of beliefs. When you work with us, our team shows up on time and armed with high-quality tools, products, as well as a reliable point of contact. Our team communicates openly and transparently with you and always leaves your home in pristine shape. Through the years, we’ve helped countless homeowners preserve their hardwood floors and utterly transform their houses. Our services include:

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We’re building a reputation for sublime hardwood floor restorations and installations, one satisfied customer at a time. We approach our jobs from several fronts. We emphasize safety by guarding all of your home’s alarm codes and keys and quality through adherence to industry standards. We also keep our insurance premiums up-to-date to protect you from liability. And most importantly, we show you and your home the respect it deserves by arriving on time and cleaning up after ourselves.

Request a Quote for Hardwood Floor Refinishing