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Choosing a Hardwood Flooring Company Wisely

So, you’ve decided to refinish your hardwood floors, revitalize a staircase, or install new flooring. Choosing a flooring company comes next. Unfortunately, hundreds of substandard contractors flood the market with poor workmanship and shoddy products. We’re different. At Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring, we strive to provide our customers with a smooth experience that produces beautiful results. Our customers have thanked us for our professionalism, friendliness, and outstanding work.

beautiful hardwood floor

Our Eight Guarantee-System for Customer Satisfaction

We spent long hours considering how we can demonstrate our dedication to your happiness. It’s not enough to claim superior skills or products. We wanted to go a step further, so we established eight guarantees for excellent hardwood floor refinishing services. Our core commitments are:

Promptness and Cleanliness

We never make a mess and leave without cleaning. That includes any tracked-in mud or dust and equipment. It’s important to us that we preserve your home’s livability while we’re completing the project.


We treat your house like it is our own by keeping messes to a minimum, never smoking, or listening to loud music while we work. We also respect your privacy and never enter areas of your home not applicable to the project.


Our pricing system is 100% transparent. We believe every customer deserves an honest and accurate quote for our services. Once we provide the quote, we work tirelessly to keep costs under control and honor our commitments.


We might require a set of house keys or the access codes to your alarm system while we work. You can trust us. We keep your keys safe while we have them and never share the codes.


Working with a contractor who is insured is critical because it protects you from liability. We maintain all required insurance and workers’ compensation required to ensure your protection.


We adhere to all industry standards, even as they change. We pay close attention to the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) standards and adapt to any changes this trade organization mandates.

Dustless Work

Working on hardwood floors inevitably produces dust. However, we guarantee you will not have to vacuum, sweep, or clean this dust yourself. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll revisit your property and clean again.

Fully Satisfied Payment

We don’t ask you to pay us until you give us your satisfaction at the outcome.

Make an Investment in Your Home’s Future!

Invest in your home by repairing, refinishing, staining, or replacing old, worn-down flooring with a revitalized product. We invest in your happiness by using top-tier products and using only industry-standard techniques. At Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring, you are our primary focus.

Request a Quote for Hardwood Floor Refinishing