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Comprehensive Hardwood Floor Repairs

Free Repair Estimates & Honest Pricing!

There’s nothing better than well-maintained hardwood floors. We’re not fans of carpet, and we consider plank flooring a poor imitation of the real thing. That’s why we specialize in hardwood. We believe hardwood floors provide homeowners with the most aesthetically-pleasing look possible, and we understand the durability of this flooring type. But, like with anything else, your floors require maintenance and care to remain in tip-top shape. We can help if your home’s flooring has defects, such as stains, cracks, or water damage. Our team has extensive experience repairing wood floors and restoring them to their former glory.

man repairing floor

Why Our Hardwood Floor Repairs Best the Competition

Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring is a trusted source for hardwood floor services because we go the extra mile for our customers. While inexperienced and sloppy contractors miss important details, we fixate on them. Our attention to detail is a crucial component of our success. For example, if you have a red oak floor with badly damaged sections, we take the time to source red oak replacements. But more importantly, we pay close attention to the condition of the sourced materials for any details that might clash with the rest of the floors. Another mistake we go out of our way to avoid is cutting small patches of damaged wood from floors and replacing them with new sections. While that method is easy, it doesn’t look good. Instead, we spend extra time replacing whole planks to blend the repairs better.

Call Us for an At-Home Flooring Repair Estimate

We offer in-home estimates, free of charge, to anyone with a damaged hardwood floor. When we arrive at your property, one of our team members examines your flooring for damage. That includes anything you’ve noticed, plus additional defects only a trained eye can see. From there, we provide a detailed estimate. Here’s the important part: We guarantee our estimates are honest, accurate, and transparent. We won’t surprise you with additional charges.

Client Testimonials

Request Your Free Estimate!

Winchester, KY 40391


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Request a Quote for Hardwood Floor Refinishing