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Why Dustless Floor Renovations Are Essential

We’re proud to provide enduring hardwood flooring services without the huge dust and mess that accompanies many other contractors. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to spend days sweeping and vacuuming leftover dust following floor renovations. Cutting Edge Hardwood Flooring offers 99% dustless refinishing to Central Kentucky, ensuring every homeowner can immediately enjoy their new floor without laborious cleaning tasks. Our 99% dust-free system keeps you from inhaling potentially toxic wood floor dust and prevents it from marring our coating and finishing process.

ductless floor renovation

We Leave Your Home Cleaner Than It Was Before

We don’t merely leave your house as clean as it was when we arrived; we leave it cleaner. To us, cleaning up after ourselves isn’t enough. We want to put you in a position to succeed right off the bat. You can rethink your furniture placement without covering dirtier areas. The choice is yours.

Our 99% Effective, Dust-Free Floor Systems

Our dustless system is portable, quiet, and extremely useful. We can bring it into your home and use it without disrupting your daily operations. Our team can maneuver it quickly, which allows them to enter your house without tracking in mud, pollen, or outside contaminants. While removing 100% of dust isn’t feasible, we’ve retrofitted all our equipment with cyclones and hoses, which prevent dust from going airborne. Instead, it filters into a container that we can easily empty outside. We’re proud to say our system is nearly 99% dust-free.

Request a Quote for Hardwood Floor Refinishing